Diet Chitosan™ 240 Capsules


Chitosan is a nondigestible fiber obtained from the hard outer skeleton of shellfish, including crab, lobster, and shrimp. Chitosan is used to treat obesity, high cholesterol, and Crohn’s disease.

Besides, to treat complications that kidney failure patients on dialysis often face, including high cholesterol, “tired blood” (anemia), loss of strength and appetite, and trouble sleeping (insomnia).

Chitosan has an additional potential benefit than most other types of fiber.

Suggested Use: 4 capsules 1/2 hour before lunch and 4 capsules 1/2 hour before dinner with 8 ounces of liquid. Drink at least 8 glasses of fluid daily.



Ingredients: per capsule: dietary fiber 1g (4% DV), chitosan (minimum 80% deacetylated chitin) 1g

Other Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin (capsules), magnesium stearate, and silica.


  • Сonsult your health care professional before using this product, if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, breastfeeding, allergic to shellfish or taking any medication,
  • Take fat soluble vitamins (A, E, D, or K), essential fatty acids or medications 4 hours before or after ingesting chitosan to ensure absorption.
  • Take this product with large amounts of fluid. You should take enough water during the day, otherwise the product may cause constipation. In case of intestinal discomfort or constipation, discontinue the use of the product.